Dattorro's Reverb 📣 // [git repo]

a faithful implementation entirely in Javascript in AudioWorklet. flexible — freezable — fast — free!

💪 flexible (compared to ConvolverNode)
🍨 freezable (just set decayRate to 1!)
🚅 fast? maybe... (0.5ms on 10ms budget, my set up) (let me know if you do profile it!)
🆓 free! (public domain)

🔨 usage

aC.addModule('dattorroReverb.js').then(() => {
  let reverb = new AudioWorkletNode(aC, 'DattorroReverb', { outputChannelCount: [2] });

📃 reference

Jon Dattorro's paper [pdf linky]

⚖ license & 💾 source

public domain + no-liability

🎼 music

clips are from Placeboing on Freesound under CC 0 and Kikuo's Mikukikuo5 under CC BY-NC-SA.